Neurodiverse Mental Wellness
Support Card Deck
Here's why the Mental Wellness Support Card Deck can be important for the neurodiverse when it comes to learning and remembering:
Decreasing Cognitive Load: Holding a card with key information reduces the mental effort required to recall details, freeing up cognitive resources for focusing on the task at hand.
Visual Cues and Organization: providing a visual representation of information, making it easier to grasp and remember concepts. The card itself serves as a prompt, triggering the recall of the information it contains.
Tangible Reinforcement: Holding a physical card creates a sense of tangibility and reinforces the information it represents. Interacting with the card by touching or manipulating it can enhance memory encoding for some neurodiverse individuals.
Portability and Accessibility: Cards offer a convenient and portable way to access information anywhere, anytime. This allows for quick reference and self-directed learning, which can be especially beneficial for individuals who learn best at their own pace.
Increased Engagement: Interactive cards with prompts, checklists, or visuals can make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable. This can be particularly helpful for neurodiverse individuals who may struggle with traditional learning methods.
Reduced Anxiety and Stress: Having readily available information on a card can alleviate anxiety associated with forgetting important details. This can be especially helpful for individuals with memory challenges or social situations where remembering specific information is crucial.