Unlock Your Potential
A Visual Guide to Understanding Adult ADHD & Dyslexia

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Thanks for joining me on this adventure into the world of ADHD and Dyslexia! I'm so glad you downloaded the free PDF. Exploring these topics can be both eye-opening and empowering, and I'm excited to be your guide along the way.
In the PDF, you'll find insights into:
- Understanding the unique strengths and challenges of ADHD and Dyslexia. Dive into the fascinating mechanics of these neurodivergent traits and see how they shape your experiences.
- Recognizing signs and symptoms. Whether you're curious about yourself or someone you care about, this information can help identify key aspects of both ADHD and Dyslexia.
- Discovering helpful tips and strategies. From managing focus and organization to fostering creativity and learning, this website offers practical tools to navigate daily life effectively.
But this is just the beginning! My mission is to shift the conversation from what's wrong to what's right with individuals with ADHD and Dyslexia.
Remember, your journey with ADHD and Dyslexia is unique. Embrace the learning curve, celebrate your strengths, and never hesitate to reach out for support. My coaching services are here to cheer you on, answer your questions, and connect you with the resources you need to thrive.
So, let's get started! Download the PDF and if you like what you are reading and want to learn more schedule a FREE coaching exploration call with me. You might be surprised at what you can change and grow in your life.

Want to learn more about why your brain, personality, and skills should not be hidden and what you can do to take better care of your mental, physical, and emotional health?
…then a specially focused coach can really help. Learn from someone who is neurodivergent and who’s guided hundreds of twice-gifted people through this process quickly, easily, and with compassion.
JoyGenea’s experience and training in navigating society, systems, and her own dyslexia gives her the expertise to guide you in the right direction fast. She is a certified and skilled life coach, business owner, and consultant. She is engaged with the neurodiverse comminute and knows what’s happening in today’s world for dyslexics, people with ADHD/ADD, and those with anxiety and depression.
Through JoyGenea’s success coaching process, she coaches and teaches the knowledge, tools, and joy of your personal neurodiversity along with her secrets to supporting your different abilities.

Ultimately, the purpose of the call is to see if Solutions by JoyGenea can help you.
We’ll chat about your current situation, what brought you to reach out, what you know or have documented about your neurodiversity, and what is most challenging for you right now. Then explore if neurodiversity success coaching can expedite getting you to the outcomes you want to be achieving in life. We’ll clear up any questions you have and let you know if we believe you would be a good fit.
- Have dyslexia, ADHD/ADD and/or anxiety
- Are professionals looking to advance
- Own and operate a business
- Are college students looking to thrive through their college education
- Hate your job and are not sure where to go next
- Have a life partner who is frustrated at you a lot of the time
- Want to start a new business
- Are exhausted from trying to be someone you are not just to fit in
- Have been overlooked for promotions time after time and yet your doing all of the work
- Are late to most things and you don’t know why or how to adjust it
- Have lots of testing/documentation of your neurology
- Have no testing/documentation of your neurology and used on-line resources to self diagnose
- Have reading struggles, math struggles, writing struggles and people struggles
- Are often highjacked by anxiety, fears, and procrastination
coaching changes lives
Get Started Today!
Step 1. Know your diversity
Identify how you process, learn, and communicate
Step 2. Build a picture of the future
Explore, make plans, and take action with the bigger goal in mind
Step 3. Identify the anxiety
The PQ program helps to Name It, Claim It, Tame It
Step 4. Learn ways to manage anxiety
Anxiety blocks the ability to hear things and be coachable by learning ways to tame anxiety personal control is regained
Step 5. Open up your communication
Learn to advocate for yourself in positive win-win ways
Step 6. Implement tools and resources
Explore the right tools to best support your goals and neurology
Step 7. Grow your mind, body, and purpose
Develop a personalized blueprint of who you are and how your brain works with everything else
WHAT DO FORMER coaching Clents SAY
“Until now I thought I was the only one who thought like this. I am not alone anymore.”
“I can’t believe that it has only been six weeks. It feels like so much has changed that it has been a year.”
“This is the one place I can totally be myself, know that I am safe, and learn to integrate that out in the world. It is just so amazing.”
“I hated school, but I really wanted to graduate from college. You made me realize I didn’t have to like school, it wasn’t designed for me, I just needed to get from it the signed paper and life hacks for my neuro thinking to be successful from here on.”
“My business was falling apart when I reached out to you and in a matter of weeks you had me taking actions that would grow my business to twice its size in less than a year all while teaching me my strengths and helping me hire for my weaknesses.”
“If I hadn’t started coaching with you I would still be stuck searching around the web, living with my parents, and hiding from life. Now I am engaged to my amazing boyfriend and loving the life I am creating.”