Adult ADHD Infograph And Details 101

“Having a neurodifferent brain doesn’t end the day you graduate from high school. You just get launched into a world that isn’t going to adapt to your neuro needs unless you can articulate what you need.  Many people have little to no idea what they need to be a successful adult with a neuro difference. Maybe it is time to learn.”  ~JoyGenea

It is time to learn more about the terms and labels associated with the term ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) or persons who have ADHD.

With the improvements in research on ADHD comes new things to learn and additional clarity. That clarity is only valuable if we apply it. To add clarity to my conversations about neurodiversity, as it relates to ADHD, here is a starting place to grow your knowledge.

Types of ADHD:

For this, I am going to summarize Dr. Daniel Amen. The Amen Clinics website outlines seven different types of ADD/ADHD, each with distinct characteristics and treatment needs. Here’s a summary:

1. Classic ADD: The most common form, characterized by inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. People with Classic ADD often struggle with organization, following through on tasks, and controlling their emotions.

2. Inattentive ADD: Primarily characterized by difficulty focusing, staying organized, and remembering details. They may not exhibit hyperactivity and appear “spacey” or easily distracted.

3. Over-focused ADD: These individuals hyper-focus on specific tasks or interests, neglecting other responsibilities. They may crave stimulation and struggle with switching between tasks.

4. Temporal Lobe ADD: Associated with difficulty processing auditory information, leading to challenges with listening, following instructions, and remembering spoken information.

5. Limbic ADD: Characterized by emotional dysregulation, including frequent mood swings, anger outbursts, and difficulty managing stress. They may also struggle with impulsivity and poor self-control.

6. Ring of Fire ADD: This type involves excessive fight-or-flight response, leading to anxiety, impulsivity, and aggression. They may appear restless and easily agitated.

7. Anxious ADD: Primarily characterized by anxiety and worry, along with difficulties with focus and attention. They may be perfectionistic and struggle with social anxiety.

If you would like to learn more details about each of these and take the cool test that he has on his website, CLICK HERE.

Associated with ADHD:

It is very common for a person with ADHD to also have other neurological things going on with the ADHD, making things more challenging at times. This is a list of the top five I typically see.

Sensory Issues: Feeling like the world is turned up to 11, with sounds, textures, and lights becoming overwhelming and distracting. Imagine walking through a crowded mall with flashing neon signs and a cacophony of music blaring, while everyone else seems unfazed.

Anxiety: Like a constant knot of worry in your stomach, making even simple tasks feel daunting and leaving you feeling on edge, like a tightrope walker without a net.

Depression: A heavy weight that drags you down, draining the joy and motivation out of everyday life, like wading through a thick fog with no clear path forward.

Time Blindness: Not feeling time at all. Time feels like it is constantly slipping through your fingers, making it hard to plan, prioritize, and manage your day. Often late or missing meetings. “I just lost track of time.” is a common statement.

Dyslexia: Reading, writing, and/or math can be challenging to learn. It is a huge task trying to decipher the secret code to reading words. A different way of learning to read, write, and do math.

Signs of Adult ADHD:

Poor attention to detail: Tiny typos become roadblocks and instructions fade like whispers, leaving frustration and errors in their wake.

Difficulty focusing and regulating attention: The brain becomes a butterfly flitting between thoughts, leaving tasks unfinished and focus scattered like spilled marbles.

Forgetfulness: Keys misplaced, deadlines missed, promises lost in the fog of memory, leaving a trail of apologies, and missed opportunities.

Restlessness of body and mind: Stillness feels like a cage, pacing becomes a ritual, and thoughts race like a runaway train, leaving a yearning for quietude.

Late to meetings: Time itself becomes malleable, minutes morph into hours, and appointments blur in the periphery, leading to a perpetual state of chasing the clock.

Poor organizational skills: Chaos reigns supreme, desks become papery battlegrounds, schedules morph into tangled webs, leaving a constant search for the elusive missing piece.

Life-threatening risk-taking: Thrills trump consequences and boundaries blur in the rush of adrenaline, leaving behind a whisper of “what if…” and a chilling reminder of vulnerability.

Fidgeting: An orchestra of restless movement, fingers drum, legs jiggle, feet tap, a constant background hum of energy seeking release.

Talking excessively: Words tumble out like an overflowing fountain, interrupting, dominating conversations, yearning for connection but risking social overload.

Substance abuse & addictive behavior: Escape beckons in the depths of addiction, offering a temporary solace from the relentless internal storm, masking but not solving the underlying challenges.

Common Strengths & Advantages

There are many strengths and advantages to having ADHD. No one person has all of these. Most people have a combination of this list.

Staying late to complete projects: Fueled by hyperfocus, they become laser-focused explorers, diving deep into projects long after everyone else has called it a night, emerging with brilliant results and a satisfied grin.

Energetic: They’re the energizer bunnies of the room, their infectious enthusiasm and boundless energy motivate and inspire those around them, transforming mundane tasks into exciting adventures.

Spontaneous: Embracing the unexpected, they turn lemons into lemonade, transforming unplanned detours into thrilling discoveries and adventures, keeping life fresh and exciting for themselves and everyone around them.

Creative: With minds that dance across borders, they weave imagination and logic into tapestries of innovation, seeing possibilities where others see walls, leaving a trail of unique solutions and artistic expressions in their wake.

Inventive: MacGyver-like resourcefulness flows through their veins, transforming everyday objects into tools and solutions, turning limitations into springboards for ingenuity, and leaving everyone in awe of their resourcefulness.

Curious: Insatiable wanderers in the land of knowledge, they ask questions that others wouldn’t dare, delve into the unknown with fearless abandon, and constantly seek new perspectives, enriching their lives and those around them with their thirst for understanding.

Creative problem solving: When conventional approaches hit a dead end, their unconventional minds step up, weaving unconventional solutions from a tapestry of possibilities, leaving everyone amazed at their ability to think outside the box.

Hyper-focused: Like superheroes with laser vision, they can zero in on a task with an intensity that borders on the magical, tuning out distractions, channeling their energy into a laser beam of productivity, leaving everyone else in the dust.

Resilient: Bouncing back from setbacks like rubber balls, they learn from their mistakes, dust themselves off, and charge back into the fray with renewed determination, inspiring others with their unwavering spirit.

Intuitive and empathetic: Their finely tuned emotional radar picks up on subtle cues, allowing them to connect with others on a deeper level, offering compassionate support and understanding, making them invaluable friends and confidants.

Excellent Conversation Skills: With an endless stream of stories and a genuine interest in others, they spark engaging conversations, and weave wit and humor into their words, making them the life of the party and leaving everyone feeling heard and valued.

Courage/Good in a crisis: When the pressure’s on, they step up as natural leaders, their calmness and quick-thinking inspiring confidence and action, guiding others through challenges with bravery and composure.

Persistent: They never give up easily, fueled by an unwavering determination to succeed, chipping away at challenges with the unyielding force of a glacier, inspiring others with their grit and perseverance.

Remember, ADHD is a spectrum, and each individual’s experience is unique. However, focusing on the strengths and positive aspects can empower individuals with ADHD to thrive, strive, and enjoy their full abilities.



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