Breaks and Vacations

Breaks are especially important for neurodiverse people.     Transcription: Hi, I’m JoyGenea, international neurodiversity coach, and this week we’re talking about time off and taking breaks.  Super important for that fabulous brain of yours that is working really hard, working around and through the dyslexia, the ADHD, all that kind of stuff. It needs

Different Thinkers and SAD

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can be a challenge this time of year, especially for the neurodiverse. Here are some tips for fighting off the winter blues. Share yours in the comments! Transcription: Hi, I’m JoyGenea, International Neurodiversity coach, or for short- ADHD and dyslexia coach for adults. SAD, I want to talk about SAD- Seasonal

Plan for SAD – Winter in Minnesota with Dyslexia or ADHD

I like living in Minnesota, winter is pretty. It also sticks around for a pretty long time making it hard to fight off depression and anxiety. If you are a different thinker, you need to know that you might be more susceptible to SAD than your typical person. I tell all my clients who live

Part 2 What does Self-Care look like for Dyslexics and ADHD

We can’t start talking about self-care and not explain what it is. What is self-care? “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.” Oxford Languages “Self-care is the practice of taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. It is about making choices that support your well-being and help you

Dyslexia and Sleep

A lot of people don’t realize that dyslexia can include sleep struggles. It might be difficult to fall asleep and wake up, so it’s important to find some tools that work for you to support better sleep. Transcription: Good morning. Know one of the lesser-known things about dyslexia is that you can wind up struggling

Why Neurodiverse Read So Many Productivity Books and Are Not Organized

Myth Buster: This productivity book will solve everything. NOT A FACT! You are neurodiverse and this wasn’t written for you. I have read tons of productivity books and I learned that none of the popular ones were written by someone who thinks like me. There is good stuff, it just isn’t going to solve anything