Do you avoid emails? Do you wince when you open an email and have to scroll to see all of the content? Do you allow your emails to build up into the hundreds and then just have to bolt yourself to your office chair with a pot of coffee and go through them all at
Attack of the Multi-Tasking
There I was with a whole day set aside to work on homework and business projects and within the first ten minutes I caught myself doing five things at once. Ok, not at once because that is not possible, but pretty close to it. I tried to stop it. I got out my index card
Card Decks and Flashcards – Not Just For Your School Days – Neurodiverse tool
If you’re anything like me, you are a constant learner. Here is an example, most non-fiction books I read, I take handwritten notes and create metacogs while I am reading them, so I can retain more of the information and hopefully be able to reference it when I need it. Even as an adult I
Accommodations Overview: What Are They and Why it Matters for an Adult With Dyslexia
“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” ~Stephen Hawking
Time Blindness-Part 4-Talking Timer
Learn about the timer that will count down the amount of time you have left #timeblindness #neurodiversity #dyslexia #adhd #add #neurodivergent #late TRANSCRIPTION: The time blindness tip, but it’s also just an overall tip this works really well for a lot of my neurodiverse clients. Sometimes it’s– oh just sometimes it’s really helpful to
Time Blindness-Part3-Tools and Tricks
Time blindness part 3 – Meet the timer #timeblindness #neurodiversity #dyslexia #adhd #add #neurodivergent #late TRANSCRIPTION: Today we’re gonna talk a little bit more about time blindness. This is part of our series we’re having conversations about. I wanna talk about some of the tools and tricks that people do use to help supplement,
Time Blindness-Part 2- Dyschronometria part of the brain- Neurodiversity Moment with JoyGenea
In the back near the spine is a part of the brain that figures out time. If it is off or doesn’t communicate like it should, you could have time blindness #timeblindness #neurodiversity #dyslexia #adhd #add #neurodivergent #late TRANSCRIPTION: Welcome to part two in our little series. So today I wanna focus a little
Time Blindness-Part 1-What is it- Neurodiversity Moment with JoyGenea
What is it and understanding that it is part of the brain. #timeblindness #neurodiversity #dyslexia #adhd #add #neurodivergent #late TRANSCRIPTION: Let’s talk about time blindness and neurodiversity. I know it gets talked about a little bit, but I really want to dive into that more, so we’re kind of starting a series here. The most
Self-talk and Limiting Beliefs: Stop Bullying Yourself From Success
This is my short and easy way of explaining self-talk and limiting beliefs. And why you should never let someone else talk to you the way you speak to yourself self-most of the time. Especially if you have not done some work around limiting beliefs and internal dialogue.
Time Sightedness to The Point of Panic
“I am always late on principle, my principle being that punctuality is the thief of time.” ~Oscar Wilde