Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) & ADHD in Leadership: The Hidden Superpower?

Article Overview: This article explores Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) and ADHD in leadership, highlighting both the challenges and advantages these traits bring to executives and entrepreneurs. RSD, commonly associated with ADHD and autism, causes intense emotional reactions to perceived rejection or criticism, which can influence leadership styles. The article outlines the benefits of RSD, such

Letting Go of Friends

It can be scary to face the fact that a friendship has turned into something unhealthy, but that is part of growing.     Transcription: Ok so, friendships, neurodiversity, and breaking up those friendships. That is what I want to talk about today because sometimes our friends can actually become our greatest bullies and we

You Belong, You Just May Not Have Found Your Community Yet

When you have ADHD, dyslexia, and/or autism as an adult you are now aware of how you don’t totally fit in all the time. Have you ever felt like this at work or around people? Maybe in social situations you just don’t know what to say when people you don’t know come over to talk

Motivation for Different Thinkers: DTMM Videos

This week’s article is brought to you by an audience member who recently asked why her young adult son hated her nagging, she just needed her son to get his crap together and move out of her house, she was just trying to motivate him. Her son was sitting next to her and I watched

The 4 Stages of Learning and Neurodiversity Coaching

The 4 Stages of Learning: Level 1: Unconscious Incompetent “I don’t know what I don’t know.” This person is unaware that there is a need for skill development. Level 2: Conscious Incompetent “I now know about it, but I’m not very good at it.” This person is aware of the need for skill as well

Hyperfocus: Past, Present, and Future LOOP

Hyperfocusing on what we wish we did, are doing, or what will happen can drain our energy. Let’s practice taking back that focus!   Transcription: Hey, JoyGenea here, neurodiversity coach to those awesome different thinkers with dyslexia, ADHD, awesome adults, and we’re talking about ADHD hyperfocus and when it can go a little negative on