UPDATE from What if your Parent’s went on Your First Date?

AUDIO/VIDEO VERSION [After a broken engagement, an Indian friend agreed to his parents wishes for a traditional arranged marriage.  See LINK TO FIRST ARTICLE.] “The Date” was actually two meetings about an hour and a half each. Always with all family members. They were able to talk about a few things. She had taken the

But I paid a lot for that

Many times when working with organizing clients we will hit an issue that goes like this: “But, I paid a lot of money for that and it IS top of the line”   Top of the line  more than 3 years ago in electronics means it has little or no resale value left and needs to

How hard would you fight?

  How hard would you fight for your happiness and life?  In fall of 2010 I was hired by my clients children to help her downsize.  She had lived in the same house for 20+ years, raised all her kids in that house and along the way had acquired a lot of possessions from all

Story from Transition Organizing Client

Assisting a writer has its perks.  Mary MacDonell Belisle put pen to paper to express her experience in helping her mother make another move.  Thank you Mary for the permission to share this. Organizer JoyGenea Schumer Furnstahl pumped, primed for moving projects JoyGenea Schumer Furnstahl is EXCITED about projects I dread. One of those projects