“Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.” Swedish Proverb
Acquisition Expert (TM)
Acquisition Expert (TM) acquisition is defined as 1. an asset or object bought or obtained. Early in 2006, shortly after starting my business, I got a call from a person self described as a hoarder. I had a family member that would be described by that term and I grew to hate the term when
Children of hoarders- you are not alone
As the Holiday’s approach it is not uncommon for me to receive calls from people worried about their parents and the vast amount of stuff that is taking over the house that their parents live in. I really dislike the term hoarder. I have coined my own term Acquisition Expert (TM). Lots of items are
Passing on Personal Possessions
A conversation arose with a client today about what to do with all of her personal stuff? She is moving to a new smaller home and only needs about 20% of what she has. Does she share it now? Who wants it? Do they know the story behind some of the items? This is a