Nonverbal Learning Disorder

Take a minute to learn about Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NLD) with me.     Transcription: Hey so, have you been hearing more about NLD, in the neurodiverse community, and that is Nonverbal Learning Disorder. It has come into the conversation because the person running on the democratic ticket in the vice presidency, Tim Walz, his

Getting to Know Your Neurodiversity

If you can get to know your neurodiversity better, you can find more happiness in your life.   Transcription: When I work with clients, often their biggest goal is they would like to be happy. They would like to stop fighting with life. They would like to stop feeling so alone. They’re looking for a

DTMM: Communication

Building up communication skills is essential for any different thinker’s success!  

Preferences vs Accommodations

We all have preferences. Why can’t we communicate about accommodations like we do about our preferences?   Transcription: Hi, I’m JoyGenea, international neurodiversity coach and as we talk about neurodiversities, remember, dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, and then a rainbow of other labels which actually just apply to a whole bunch of traits. I’m talking about computer

PDWS Process

The Perfect Drinking Water System can get you on track!   Transcription: Hi, I’m JoyGenea, International Neurodiversity Coach, and today I am actually talking about something that applies to neurotypical, neuro-anybody because it applies to everybody if you are breathing and human, it applies to you. So, it is about drinking water. Water. Because typically

Stuffed feelings

Sometimes in the moment we stuff feelings into a distant corner, but we need to know how to come back to that so we can move forward.     Transcription: Hey it’s JoyGenea, international neurodiversity coach. Do you ever find yourself leaving a social situation and feeling like your emotions are like a suitcase and