Part 2: Championing for Different Thinkers

Let’s talk about what championing for different thinkers looks like. My greatest lesson on this came from an 11-year-old who stood up for me back in school. CLICK HERE for an in depth blog about Championing Different Thinkers. CLICK HERE if you missed part 1 of the series. CLICK HERE for part 3 of the

Part 1: Championing for Different Thinkers

It takes a team of allies to effectively support different thinkers in the workplace, school, or any other organization. This is the first installment of a 3-part series. Follow along for more. CLICK HERE for an in depth blog about Championing Different Thinkers. CLICK HERE for part 2 of the series. CLICK HERE for part

Man in the Arena

Some things never leave us. In May of 2001, I graduated from the St. Cloud Technical and Community College. Leading up to my graduation was the most successful I had ever felt in my life. To this day I consider it to be one of my greatest accomplishments. You see, when I started school in

Part 4: Championing the Different Thinkers of the World

Check out the video series that accompanies this blog! Part 1: Championing for Different Thinkers Part 2: Championing for Different Thinkers Part 3: Championing for Different Thinkers If you have not taken time to check out the Made By Dyslexia website, I highly recommend you do. They have done a fine and lovely job of creating

Dyslexic Thinking: Persistence

Here’s another incredible dyslexic thinking success story. Being persistent and able to think differently can make a huge difference in the world. Transcription: Hey, so dyslexic thinking, let’s talk about some more success stories when it comes to that. Last night There I was, ok I’ll admit I might at one time in my life,

Dyslexia and Humility

Let’s keep talking about the strengths that dyslexia brings. Sometimes they are in disguise, like my struggles with spelling that end up teaching me humility. Share your strengths in the comments! Transcription: Hey, so sometimes I think it’s important to remember again some of the great strengths and things that are really positive that come

Inspirational Quote From Lorin Morgan-Richards

“I like to think I have a superpower called dyslexia. I am creative, intuitive, and empathetic. I am great with problem-solving, and I can think outside the box.” Lorin Morgan-Richards