Communicating: As a Dyslexic Thinking Strength

What is Communicating: As a Dyslexic Thinking Strength

Communicating is crafting and conveying clear and engaging messages.

71% of dyslexics are above average at Communicating


From top salespeople to business and industry leaders. One thing all my most financially successful clients have in common is the gift of communication. They can understand another person’s learning style and craft communication to connect with them. I have had the privilege of observing them in person and it truly is a gift to watch them educate a room of people or millions on the internet through videos.

5 Core Areas of Dyslexic Communication Strength

  1. Heightened level of empathy
  2. High level of emotional intelligence
  3. Simplify more complex topics
  4. Convey ideas clearly
  5. Build relationships

1. Heightened Level of Empathy

Dyslexic individuals often exhibit a heightened level of empathy- the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. This enhanced empathy stems from their unique neurodiversity and their tendency to connect with others on a deeper level.

Their heightened empathy allows dyslexic individuals to form stronger relationships, build trust, and provide compassionate support to those around them. They often serve as empathetic listeners, offering a safe space for others to share their thoughts and feelings without judgment.

2. High Level of Emotional Intelligence

Dyslexic individuals are often characterized by their high level of emotional intelligence (EI)- the ability to recognize, understand, and manage their own emotions and the emotions of others. This heightened EI stems from their unique neurodiversity and their tendency to be deeply attuned to the emotional nuances of their surroundings.

Their strong EI allows dyslexic individuals to navigate social situations effectively, build rapport with others, and manage their own emotions in a healthy way. They can often sense the emotional states of others, enabling them to respond empathetically and provide support when needed.

In the workplace, dyslexics’ EI can contribute to a more harmonious and productive environment. They can defuse conflicts, foster collaboration, and create a more inclusive atmosphere for all employees. Their ability to understand and respond to the emotional needs of others can also enhance customer service interactions and client relationships.

3. Simplify More Complex Topics

Dyslexic individuals often possess a remarkable ability to simplify more complex topics, breaking them down into easily understandable components. This skill is part of their neurodiversity and their tendency to think in a more holistic and interconnected manner.

Their ability to simplify complex topics allows dyslexic individuals to explain concepts clearly and effectively, making them valuable assets in educational and professional settings. They can distill complex information into digestible chunks, making it more accessible to a wider audience.

In the workplace, dyslexics’ simplification skills can contribute to improved communication, enhanced collaboration, and more effective problem-solving. They can bridge the gap between technical experts and non-technical stakeholders, ensuring that everyone has a clear understanding of the issues at hand.

4. Convey Ideas Clearly

Dyslexic individuals often demonstrate a unique ability to convey ideas clearly and effectively, despite the challenges they may face with traditional written language. Their ability to think in a holistic and interconnected manner, coupled with their heightened creativity, allows them to express their thoughts and ideas in a way that is both engaging and understandable.

Dyslexics often excel at storytelling, using vivid imagery and sensory details to bring their ideas to life. They may also gravitate towards visual communication, using diagrams, illustrations, and other visual aids to supplement their written words. This multimodal approach to communication can be particularly effective in conveying complex ideas or reaching a wider audience.

In the workplace, dyslexics’ ability to convey ideas clearly can be a valuable asset. They can effectively communicate with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Their creative approach to communication can also lead to innovative solutions and fresh perspectives.

5. Build Relationships

Dyslexic individuals often possess a unique ability to build strong and meaningful relationships with others. Their heightened empathy, emotional intelligence, and holistic thinking style contribute to their ability to connect with people on a deeper level.

Dyslexics often demonstrate strong listening skills, taking the time to understand others’ perspectives and feelings. They can also be empathetic and supportive, offering a safe space for others to share their experiences without judgment. This ability to connect with others on an emotional level fosters trust and builds lasting relationships.

In the workplace, dyslexics’ relationship-building skills can contribute to a more positive and shared environment. They can bridge communication gaps, mediate conflicts, and create a sense of belonging among team members. Their ability to connect with others can also enhance customer service interactions and client relationships.

Applying This Communication Skill in the Work Force

Effective communication is a crucial skill in a wide range of professions, allowing individuals to convey ideas clearly, build relationships, and achieve desired outcomes. Here’s a list of the top 10 jobs that heavily rely on strong communication skills:

  1. Public relations specialist: Public relations specialists manage the public image of their clients or employers. They write press releases, develop social media strategies, and give presentations to the media and other stakeholders.
  2. Marketing manager: Marketing managers develop and implement marketing campaigns to promote products or services. They create marketing materials, write advertising copy, and manage social media accounts.
  3. Sales representative: Sales representatives sell products or services to customers. They must be able to build relationships with customers, understand their needs, and persuade them to buy.
  4. Customer service representative: Customer service representatives provide support to customers who have questions or complaints. They must be able to listen to customers’ concerns, explain complex issues in a clear and concise way, and resolve problems in a timely manner.
  5. Human resources specialist: Human resources specialists are responsible for recruiting, hiring, and training employees. They must also be able to resolve employee disputes and conduct performance reviews.
  6. Lawyer: Lawyers represent clients in court and provide legal advice. They must be able to research and analyze legal issues, write persuasive legal arguments, and communicate effectively with clients, judges, and juries.
  7. Teacher: Teachers must be able to communicate effectively with students of all ages and learning styles. They must also be able to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise way.
  8. Therapist: Therapists help people with mental health issues. They must be able to listen to their clients’ concerns, provide support and guidance, and build trust.
  9. Journalist: Journalists write news articles for newspapers, magazines, and websites. They must be able to research and analyze information, write clear and concise prose, and meet deadlines.
  10. Social worker: Social workers help people who are struggling with poverty, homelessness, or other social problems. They must be able to build relationships with their clients, understand their needs, and provide support and guidance.

As you can see communication is one of the dyslexics’ strengths and you now know why.

In all of my years of sitting on boards and wondering what value I was bringing; I think I finally found it a few years ago. It was my communication skills. I could listen to people share about the pros and cons of doing something and I would be sitting there thinking, “But, what is the point of it all? Who benefits and does it move the organization ahead?” I ask a lot of questions that none of the other people in the room are even considering. I used to feel defective for that, but I now know that it is a strength I bring to the conversation, and I learn so much more when I share my questions about a problem we are trying to solve.

If you are dyslexic how are you using your communication strength?

Want to know more about the other dyslexic strengths? Check out my other blogs.




BARD AI wrote parts of this article.

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