The Big Questions

Asking big hypothetical questions can be a great way to shift your perspective and approach to smaller day-to-day questions.


Ok, so here’s the question I’m asking- If you woke up tomorrow with 100 million dollars in your bank account what would change? What would be different about your life? Something to think about. Don’t know that that’s going to happen, but this is how you can start to think about small changes in your life is by imagining making really big changes. So out of that can come some really simple things. So, don’t be afraid to question or to go down a hypothetical path that may never come true. Put your hyperrational away for a little while and just, what if you woke up tomorrow with 100 million dollars in your bank account? And it was legally there and you got to keep it. What would change in your life? Good luck. Sometimes it’s really important to ponder the big questions to answer some of the small day-to-day questions. Sometimes you’re just a little too close to see those answers but they can come out when you expand the lens and look broader.

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