What is one way you can share awareness about dyslexia and/or ADHD this month?
October is Dyslexia and ADHD Awareness Month
As soon as I heard that October was Dyslexia Awareness Month and also ADHD Awareness Month, about three thoughts crossed my mind.
Thought number one– Well, that isn’t shocking they put the two of those for the same month. It makes it harder for me to focus on just one, but they often do go together.
Thought number two- Who decides the awareness topic for a month?
I have noticed that over the years more and more important topics have a month of awareness. Who picks the month and subject, and how does it officially become an awareness month?
In case you too have wondered about these things, I will share what I learned.
Why do we have these awareness months?
How does an “awareness” month get decided on?
Typically, an organization picks a month and starts to market and brand it as an awareness month.
It might just be the only designation that that month is an awareness month.
It will be officially designated by one of these five branches of the government.
- The President of the United States
- The United States Congress
- The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- The Department of Education (ED)
- The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Congress is the most common body to designate awareness months. Other government agencies can also play a role in raising awareness about important issues.
When Congress designates a month as an awareness month, it typically does so by passing a resolution. These resolutions are non-binding, but they can help to raise awareness about important issues.
The President of the United States can designate awareness months by issuing a presidential proclamation. Presidential proclamations are non-binding
HHS, ED, and the VA can also designate awareness months. These agencies do this by issuing public service announcements (PSAs) and other outreach materials.
Why have awareness months? What’s the point?
Awareness months can be a valuable tool for raising awareness about important issues and advocating for change. When people come together to raise awareness about a particular issue, it can help to create a more informed and supportive society.
Why was October chosen for Dyslexia Awareness Month?
The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) decided that October would be Dyslexia Awareness Month. The IDA is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people with dyslexia succeed.
The IDA chose October for Dyslexia Awareness Month because it is the month of the IDA’s annual conference. The conference is a major event for the dyslexia community, and it is a great opportunity to raise awareness about dyslexia and to celebrate the accomplishments of people with dyslexia.
The IDA also chose October because it is a time of transition for many students. This is a month when students have just started a new school year, and it is a good time to remind everyone about the importance of early identification and intervention for dyslexia.
The IDA officially launched Dyslexia Awareness Month in 1998. Since then, it has become a global event, and millions of people around the world participate in activities to raise awareness about dyslexia.
In 2015, the US Congress formally recognized October as Dyslexia Awareness Month. This was a major victory for the dyslexia community, and it helped to raise awareness about dyslexia at a national level.
Dyslexia Awareness Month is an important opportunity to educate people about dyslexia and to advocate for the needs of people with dyslexia. It is also a time to celebrate the accomplishments of people with dyslexia and to show them that they are not alone.
Why was October chosen for ADHD Awareness Month?
October became ADHD awareness month in 2012 when the ADHD Awareness Coalition (AAC) launched the first National ADHD Awareness Month campaign. The AAC is a group of organizations that are dedicated to raising awareness about ADHD and supporting people with ADHD.
The AAC chose October for ADHD awareness month because it is the month of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exhibition. The AAP conference is a major event for the pediatric community, and it is a good opportunity to raise awareness about ADHD and to advocate for the needs of children with ADHD.
The AAC also chose October because it is a time of transition for many students. This is a month when students have just started a new school year, and it is a good time to remind everyone about the importance of early identification and intervention for ADHD.
In 2015, the US Congress officially recognized October as ADHD Awareness Month. This was a major victory for the ADHD community, and it helped to raise awareness about ADHD at a national level.
By taking part in Dyslexia and ADHD Awareness Month, we can help to create a more informed and supportive society for everyone.
What is one way you can share awareness about dyslexia and/or ADHD this month?