AuDHD– The Intersection of Autism and ADHD– What you should know

AuDHD is a new unofficial term that is used to describe the combination of Autism and ADHD.


For anyone who works in the neurodiverse community, it is no surprise to us that a term is finally coming out that merges these two labels. I started speaking about this in my work a few years ago.


This is why I often just say neurodiversity, it covers all the labels of complex different thinkers and focuses on the traits that need to be understood.



I worked with a person once and she was diagnosed with ADHD and depression. While she checked many of the boxes for both of those labels, we both knew there was more going on.

I looked into things at the time but was not finding better connections to what I was seeing about her social anxiety, her power of avoidance, and her sensory needs. Then she found TikTok and a bunch of videos that talked about being autistic, AuDHD and what that was like in a day-to-day way.

We both knew that was the answer we had been looking for. Now that we had new trait-words, we were able to find language around what she was feeling and ways to work with those feelings and emotions.

I will note that she was seeing a counselor at the time and that person did not mention anything about looking into those areas. She did question her after and the counselor said that the only way to have that level of knowledge about such a rare thing is for the counselor to be focused on ADHD, dyslexia, and autism.

She said they don’t spend a lot of time studying. Make a note that if you know you have a variety of neurodiverse traits you want a counselor who understands and has studied this area.


If you are thinking, ‘Where have I been that I have not heard about this sooner?’ don’t fret. From my research, I can’t find anything much before March of 2023. Since it is new, it is an unofficial term and a non-medical term.


Autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are commonly co-occurring conditions with increasing awareness of their connection. Both can influence the presentation of the other and vice versa; accurate assessment for each is complex and significant.


Though they are distinct, people with diagnoses of either autism or ADHD often struggle in related places. Both neurodevelopmental disorders can affect a person’s communication, actions, and social engagement.


It is estimated that up to 20% to 50% of individuals with ADHD
may also have symptoms of ASD,
and 30% to 80% of individuals with ASD
also have symptoms of ADHD

(Kernbach et al., 2018).


Could there be a hidden connection between these two disorders? Research is digging into the possibility, finding hints of similar genetic and brain activity patterns.


Scientists have also observed differences in brain structure and function for both conditions, particularly in areas that help us connect with others and manage tasks effectively.



Where do ADHD and Autism overlap?
This website had a lovely graphic if you are craving to see one. CLICK HERE

Difficulty with friendships
OCD tendencies
Executive function struggles
Emotional dysregulation
Sensory issues
Hyper fixation



Where are ADHD and Autism different?

Core Symptoms:

ADHD is about attention to much or to little
ASD is about social communication, interaction with others, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors.

The onset and presentation of each is different.
Until 2013 clinicians were not able to diagnose both in a person.


Coping and Growth Options:

CBT –  cognitive behavioral therapy
Social Skills Training
Medication for ADHD or/and anxiety
Occupational therapy
Working with a Coach


This is a great story about one of the leading doctors who studies this, has this, and wants the world to understand this better.


A scientist shares her story of being young and diagnosed in 2023 with AuDHD. “Ultimately, I have come to appreciate the power of my neurodivergent brain.”


Want to take an online test?
The SACHS Center has a little quiz on their website if you like to take quizzes like that.


My goal in this article was to help you assess if you are someone you know might have AuDHD and if so, to encourage you to learn more about it.


The connections between neurodiversities do not stop here. We still haven’t talked about adding in dyslexia to the mix and that connection is also becoming more common and that is a whole other topic.


As you read about anyone’s story and journey to these types of diagnosis you can see the value it adds from transforming them from hating themselves and life to living their best lives.


If you have a story to share about your journey I would love to hear it.


Keep exploring,



Look to any of these articles for more details on the topics summarized in this article. They are really worth the time.

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