Do You Know How to Joyfully and Excitingly Create Change in Your Life?

What if you got excited about the small goals you create?

Here are some examples:
• Going to the gym
• Brushing your teeth
• Going to Bed
• Eating breakfast
• Drinking water

Almost every time a client sets one of these huge, powerful, and super challenging goals, they do it with dread. Well, guess what happens next? That’s right, they fight and fight and fight themselves to try and achieve the goal.
Heck, I think it is safe to say that they spend more energy avoiding the goal than doing the thing. (I know I can be one of them too.)

There is an easier way for a neurodiverse person to work on their smart goals.



Setting goals in exciting and joyful ways requires a little bit of pretend at first and a whole lot of fun ideas.

Once we get the goal smart-goaled out and the client is ready to avoid it as best they can, I have them stop talking about it and do some deep breathing.
Then I have them start dancing to their favorite music.
I mean really moving around. And then as loud as they can they yell at me the goal in a really positive tone of voice.
I have them tell me the goal and behave silly, and yes, I have had millionaires doing this in their office and they are pretty sure that their staff thinks they are a little off until they start to laugh.
That laughter is the sign that they have broken the normal neuro process they use of dread and shifted it into excitement and joy.

From that point on we only talk about the goal from that joyful and excited place, even if they are just pretending. You should see the outcomes.

Give it a try and tell me how it goes.

Cheers to a great time laughing, dancing, and pretending your way to thriving.

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