ENGINE – An easy way to coach yourself and have something to talk about when your neurodiverse brain freezes on the question What’s New?

If you are like many of my clients, you might have a little test anxiety. You study hard, get ready, and then they put the test in front of you and all the answers are nowhere to be found in your brain.

For dyslexic, ADHD, or autistic people this doesn’t just stop when you’re done with school. It moves into a new location.

The “How are you doing?” or “What’s new?” questions that people often ask when they greet someone can often prompt a blank stare or one-word answer, creating an awkward moment for all. I have a little trick that I have taught lots of my clients and now you can have it in your toolbox of skills.


Years ago, when I started my business, I quickly learned that I would freeze up when people would ask “How is business going?”

I would think of so many things to say and I couldn’t decide which ones were the best and right answers so I would say. “Good.”

I will give you a hint, that answer does not grow your business, create connections, or start a conversation.

To help with this process I created an acronym and now in my life, I think of my answers on Monday for the whole week. It’s so easy now.



So, if you are a new business owner or a person who tends to get that deer in the headlights look when people ask you “How are you doing?” This will help you build your confidence and worth and help you easily answer the question.

This is a combo tool; it coaches you on your goals and it engages others.




The acronym ENGINE © stands for:

  • Enthusiasm
  • New Win
  • Growth
  • Innovation
  • Need
  • Empowerment


Creating your ENGINE © answer for the week.

E: Enthusiasm – What are you excited about this week?

N: New Win or Achievement – What went well in the last week?

G: Growth – Where are you going?

I: Innovation/Learning – What are you learning or researching?

N: Need – What is something you could use help with or you need?

E: Empowerment – How can I help you?


On Sunday when I am making my schedule for the week, I create my ENGINE for the week.

I write the answers to the questions and then I write a little paragraph that flows together. My creative brain can make that story easily, but that is not always true for my clients.

Here is a simplifier for creating your little paragraph. Take your answers and put them into AI and ask it to make you a short paragraph.


Examples of what a paragraph might look like:

  1. This week we are headed to the state swimming tournament for my daughter. She had a great weekend at the regional swim meet and it was so much fun cheering her on and seeing her success and now she is going to start. I’m so proud of her.
    It is interesting coaching and cheering my kids on in sports. I want them to have fun and be successful. I’m learning the art of that. Do you have any recommendations and how have you handled that?
  2. This week my speaking group meets, and I am giving a presentation about Alge. I am still celebrating my win from last week. I was able to schedule a meeting with someone I have wanted to be a client for years. The whole process of getting onto that CEO’s calendar taught me a lot about patience, persistence, and letting go. I’m going to apply what I learned and pursue connecting with three new people. You wouldn’t happen to know Henry Winkler, Keanu Reeves, or Bill Gates? I could use a connection to get that process started.
  3. This week I am going to be trying a split pea soup recipe. Last week I made this lentil soup in the Instapot and it was good. I recently decided I wanted to learn to cook better, so I am trying a new recipe a week. My goal is that by the end of the year, I will have a bunch of new recipes and enjoy cooling a little more. If you cook, what is a recipe or kitchen tool that you really like? I am always looking for recommendations and ideas.



Have fun with this. As you can see, sometimes the answer to one question answers three of the letters and you can just move on.


I highly recommend that you practice this before going to social gatherings if you are not in business. It will help to reduce your stress and help you to engage more with people. By practice I mean read it to yourself, read it out loud, and write it where you can find it easily for the week.


I mentioned that this is also a coaching tool. These are important conversations you should be having with yourself.

It is a form of self-coaching in a light and easy manner. Talking about your wins reminds you that you can be successful and you do things well.

Talking about what you’re learning keeps you humble and makes you engaging.

Taking time to figure out what you need helps you to know when the answer is right in front of you. This is an incredible tool to use weekly.


We may not have to take tests anymore as adults, and yet at times, it is very clear that a question is a test. This is one way to help yourself and do well on the test. Win-Win.


Thanks for taking the time to check out my article and good luck building your ENGINE paragraph for the week.



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