Creating change in your life is a gift you give yourself. Let’s celebrate that!
Hi. Do you know how to joyfully and excitedly create change in your life? If you are neurodiverse dyslexia, ADHD, if you sometimes find it challenging to embrace change, to be involved in change, to do change, I have a couple of simple tricks for you. One of the easiest ways to embrace and get excited about change, is to actually talk about it and act excited. Notice this? This is how you do it. You actually don’t talk about it like you dread it, like it is the end of your life. “Ugh I’m going to go to the gym. I’m going to start going to the gym. I’ve set a goal.” Guess what. We are headed into the super time of year when people start to think about the goals they are going to be setting for next year and I want to really encourage you, that the best way that I have found for my fabulous different thinkers, my neurodiverse, is we need to add in this lovely element of joyfulness when it comes to creating change and how you do that is, you talk about it with yourself. You write out statements in your journal, you tell your significant other or loved one how excited you are. “I am so excited that today at noon I am going to the gym and working out because I am changing my neurology around how I take care of my brain, because my brain and my body are important to me and I want to thrive and be as successful as possible and one of the ways I can do that is by showing up today and walking a mile on that dang treadmill. I can do that. That i can handle and I am excited about it. I am excited. I am making it happen. That. That is what it sounds like and it can sound even more elaborate, but you have to understand, if we talk about it with dread, guess how much dopamine we are firing off in our brain. Guess how you know that is coming through to us. We need to pretend a little bit.’Fake it ’til you make it’ is a statement for a reason and in particular what I found is because of our neurology, some ADHD those types of things, we can get hyper focused on the dread of the doing of the thing that is going to create the change in our life that is going to bring the successes, going to bring the outcome that we are so looking for. So, my encouragement for you today, my mini course right now in this moment is- what is one thing that you are working on changing in your life? One think that you are like I am going to do this differently and here is how I am going to do it differently. You have mapped it out as a light smart goal in something and now I want you to write out, to say out, to however you need to do it, think out loud if you want to, how you can say that and make that a joyful and exciting statement. I am so excited. I am going to do this in my life. I am going to make this happen for myself. This is going to be amazing. That is your little workshop today. Free mini workshop. I am JoyGenea, international neurodiversity coach. Thanks for tuning in. I hope to catch you next time on my next video. Bye now.