These are some of the most important strategies for parents supporting neurodiverse young adults as they start going off into the world.
CLICK HERE to read the full blog on the Top 5 Young Adult Advancing Strategies.
CLICK HERE for part 2 of the Young Adult Advancing Strategies Video Series.
CLICK HERE for part 3 of the Young Adult Advancing Strategies Video Series.
CLICK HERE for part 4 of the Young Adult Advancing Strategies Video Series.
CLICK HERE for part 5 of the Young Adult Advancing Strategies Video Series.
Hey, JoyGenea here.
Let’s talk Neurodiversity, which is always what we’re talking about. But today I want to talk about young adults and launching out of high school and into that next big thing. I’ve had a variety of parents calling me frustrated, confused, and just wanting to know how to do their best and offer their best for their young adult who’s advancing.
So, I had some top five tips that I put out on a blog and thought, well, that’s kind of boring, so I’ll bring them to life this way. So just a little reminder, I’ve talked about it before. Just a reminder that it’s really common for those of us that have neurodiversities, dyslexia, ADHD, little autism, maybe sprinkled in that when it comes to maturing, just because on our driver’s license or birth certificate it shows that we are 18 years of age does not mean that we are always emotionally at that level of maturity and advancement or that our brain has completely developed to that level of other people who are not neurodiverse and are 18 years old. So just a light reminder that that’s also something we’re dealing with. That brain is maybe and probably not advanced at that level.
So, you might be working with somebody who’s more emotionally at a 15, 16 years of age. I’ve met some people who whose parents helped them get into college and they are about 13 or 14 and that can be a huge struggle if you think about it. So, keeping that in mind, one of the first things I encourage people, so the number one on my top five list is not overwhelming the circumstances. So a lot of times and it’s not it comes from a place of love, I know it, but parents or people that are assisting someone will rattle off this bucket list of all the things that need to get done.
OK, so you’re headed off to college and you’re definitely, you know, like this needs to get done. This needs to get done. You got to fill out this application that is so overwhelming. Especially when it’s typically given to a neurodiverse in a long bucket list of verbal information. Small group can handle that, the rest that just creates overload so, number one thing, you can have a giant list as the person helping to guide them. You can be in charge of that list. Instead, the conversations and the encouragement with them is 1 little thing at a time. You know what? Let’s knock this out. Let’s get this accomplished.
So that’s my coaching advice and first suggestions for our little group of 5 strategies, talk to you soon.