In order to help your young adult advance, it’s really helpful to teach them what you know about them and how they learn.
CLICK HERE to read the full blog on the Top 5 Young Adult Advancing Strategies.
CLICK HERE for part 1 of the Young Adult Advancing Strategies Video Series.
CLICK HERE for part 2 of the Young Adult Advancing Strategies Video Series.
CLICK HERE for part 4 of the Young Adult Advancing Strategies Video Series.
CLICK HERE for part 5 of the Young Adult Advancing Strategies Video Series.
Hi, I’m JoyGenea, International Neurodiversity Coach, and we are now up to #3 on my list of top five things about your young person advancing. So #3 really important, which is teaching them last time I talked about it, teaching them what you know about them. Which means a lot of times, testing was done for that neurodiversity and so forth, but it’s not been talked about in years.
This is the time before you’re sitting in the academic advisors office, before you’re sitting in and talking to that student, the services department, to actually talk about what’s on that test and what was learned at that time about your amazing young person, how their mind processes, Are they more of a verbal processor? Does audio learning, do they miss almost all of it? Is it a combination of things? How? What do you know about them? You know what? Sometimes you get really anxious under this circumstance. Ohh, taking some time to actually have some conversations about what you know as their primary loving adult, who’s been observing them and helping them and guiding them through all these systems.
It’s a good time to start having conversations with them about what you know about them. So remember, communication is always key and thanks, check us out for numbers four and five.