The History of Dyslexia in America with Infographic

One of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to dyslexia in adults is how little they actually know about it and how scientists/neurologists continue to learn more as technology advances. For many of adults, when they were attending grade school, middle school or high school, the educational system knew very

The Power of Acknowledgement

“The acknowledgement of a single possibility can change everything.”  Aberjhani Sometimes the most powerful tool in your toolbox is acknowledgement.  This weekend for a couple of days I had the chance to be part of an annual leadership retreat.  The main goal of the retreat was to do anything BUT work.  Something that is creative

Time Blindness and Dyslexia the quick overview and infographic

Time blindness and dyslexia are no uncommon.  I recently wrote in detail about it.  DYSLEXIA & TIME BLINDNESS – HOW BEING DYSLEXIC CAN ALSO MEAN YOU HAVE A BLINDNESS TO TIME (DYSCHRONOMETRIA) If you are anything like me though, you enjoy a good infographic with the details simplified.  This page is for us. Here is a

4 Time Blind People Have A Meeting

The meeting is scheduled for Sunday at 9:00 am. I jump on Zoom and crickets for 5…6…7…8…minutes.  So, I called.  No one at that house had looked at their email or chat and they didn’t put it on a calendar when it was set, so they did not really know what time it would be

Wasting Money on What Is Not Needed

“People do not realize how important decisions are until they make the wrong ones.” Unknown Author My husband and I want to start going somewhere warm for a week in the winters, with our motorcycles.  That sounds simple and I believe it is, but what I found out is that we would also like to

Blender Pumpkin Pancake

Ingredients: ½ cup oats ¼ cup canned pumpkin ½ banana ¼ cup low-fat milk or unsweetened almond milk ½ tsp pumpkin pie spice ½ tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp olive oil 1 egg flour pinch of baking powder Procedure: 1. Blend ½ cup oats into a flour. 2. Add 1 egg, ¼ cup canned pumpkin,

Accountability Partners – Rocket Fuel For Your Goals

“What Get’s Measured Gets Managed” unknown   What do you know about accountability partners? Accountability is defined as the quality or state of being accountable. What does accountable mean? : (of a person, organization, or institution) required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible : Subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify