4 Time Blind People Have A Meeting

The meeting is scheduled for Sunday at 9:00 am. I jump on Zoom and crickets for 5…6…7…8…minutes.  So, I called.  No one at that house had looked at their email or chat and they didn’t put it on a calendar when it was set, so they did not really know what time it would be

Why don’t we get what we want and blame others?

Kid in Cart with steps to go up in the world

I had a client hire me recently because, as she put it, “I never get what I want because other people keep sabotaging me.” After she said it, I couldn’t wait to hear more about these people who were destroying her dreams and creating problems for her. So, how do you think I started that

The Difference Between Coaching and Consulting

Before we leave 2019 behind and launch into 2020 I want to share with you some more really exciting news.  Solutions by JoyGenea is expanding (officially) into LIFE COACHING.  I will be a certified ICF (International Coach Federation) Life Coach by 2020.  I started taking my training this past August. Why I am getting certified

Business Professionals Organizing – Top 5 Goals

I was at a cocktail party recently with a lot of people I didn’t know before that night.  I was making small talk, as we all do in that environment, and one gentlemen really wanted to understand what organizing for business professionals was like.  In his mind only a very organized, detailed person is a

ADD Hyperactivity – 3 main types

ADD Hyperactivity has three subtypes: -Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive -Predominantly inattentive -Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive to learn more check-out this website http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder/complete-index.shtml#pub1

ADD with Hypoactivity is rarely talked about, but I see this in some clients

Hypoactivity is the state of being extremely under active, and it can be just as disabling as ADHD with hyperactivity. Children and adults with inattentive ADD have difficulty moving from an impulse to an action, and they are very over stimulated by many environments they encounter. Also, people who suffer from this type of ADD