Is it a fact that “Nice People Finish Last?”

“This is what I find most magnetic about successful givers: they get to the top without cutting others down, finding ways of expanding the pie that benefit themselves and the people around them. Whereas success is zero-sum in a group of takers, in groups of givers, it may be true that the whole is greater

Time Blindness and ADHD In a Business Owner

I had a client who came to me for business help.  He owned and ran a company of about twenty people and he was running into his neurology.  Since he was so smart, he had worked around most of his labels, except he didn’t know what his labels were.  He just knew that a good

Wasting Money on What Is Not Needed

“People do not realize how important decisions are until they make the wrong ones.” Unknown Author My husband and I want to start going somewhere warm for a week in the winters, with our motorcycles.  That sounds simple and I believe it is, but what I found out is that we would also like to

Accountability Partners – Rocket Fuel For Your Goals

“What Get’s Measured Gets Managed” unknown   What do you know about accountability partners? Accountability is defined as the quality or state of being accountable. What does accountable mean? : (of a person, organization, or institution) required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible : Subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify

The Power of Your Positive Intelligence (P.Q.)

Mental Health is at the core of happiness in life and yet I meet people on a daily basis who ignore their mental fitness or are being run by an unfit brain. On this topic, I have a couple of things swimming around in my mind that I’d like to talk about. One, my family

CHANGE – doesn’t always make life better, sometimes it just is

I am open to change and believe that change yields growth and improvement.   As a woman, I want to request the fashion industry, particularly the companies that make women’s pants.   I want my front and back pockets returned to a decent pocket size or remove the dam things altogether.    Pick one and

How To Build Grit and Determination

I am reading a book this month called “Grit, The Power Of Passion And Perseverance”, by Angela Duckworth.  I am so connecting to her study results and the outcomes she is proving about people.   A couple of times a year, the book that I read is so good and applies to so many of