Fathers and Neurodiversity

Let’s talk more about the role fathers play in different thinker families.   Transcription: Hi! Neurodiversity, how in so many ways that plays out for the fathers out in the world. I read a great article this week that really focused on fathers’ mental health in raising neurodiverse individuals. It was a lovely article written

Joyfully Create Change

Creating change in your life is a gift you give yourself. Let’s celebrate that!     Transcription: Hi. Do you know how to joyfully and excitedly create change in your life? If you are neurodiverse dyslexia, ADHD, if you sometimes find it challenging to embrace change, to be involved in change, to do change, I

Do You Know How to Joyfully and Excitingly Create Change in Your Life?

What if you got excited about the small goals you create? Here are some examples: • Going to the gym • Brushing your teeth • Going to Bed • Eating breakfast • Drinking water Almost every time a client sets one of these huge, powerful, and super challenging goals, they do it with dread. Well,

Letting Go of Friends

It can be scary to face the fact that a friendship has turned into something unhealthy, but that is part of growing.     Transcription: Ok so, friendships, neurodiversity, and breaking up those friendships. That is what I want to talk about today because sometimes our friends can actually become our greatest bullies and we

DTMM: Cards as Tools

There are so many different tools for success that you can explore. Have you tried cards?