Stop labeling yourself and your neurodiversity as good or bad

Instead of judging yourself and your thinking as good or bad, try to see the value in your different thinking. Transcription: Hey, JoyGenea here, international neurodiversity coach, dyslexic ADHD adults- those are my coaching people. Stop being so hard on yourself. Having a neurodifferent brain is not a good or bad thing. It just is.

Different Thinker Motivational Moment: Writing and doing it differently

There are so many ways to express yourself. If handwriting doesn’t work for you, explore other possibilities.   Transcription: Hey, JoyGenea here. Today’s different thinker motivational moment is about, well, those moments where holidays or events require handwriting. I just wanted to reach out to those different thinkers who do not have incredible handwriting and

ADHD Hyperfocus: Past, Present, and Future LOOP

ADHD Hyperfocus: Past, Present, and Future LOOP is a term I use to describe something I can see often in ADHD different thinkers. Let me paint you an image of what this looks like. My client will have missed the deadline of a project by a couple of days or more. Each hour past the

Hyperfocus: Past, Present, and Future LOOP

Hyperfocusing on what we wish we did, are doing, or what will happen can drain our energy. Let’s practice taking back that focus!   Transcription: Hey, JoyGenea here, neurodiversity coach to those awesome different thinkers with dyslexia, ADHD, awesome adults, and we’re talking about ADHD hyperfocus and when it can go a little negative on

Different Thinker Motivational Moment: The Gift of Imperfection

Imperfection is a gift if we let it be. Transcription: Hey JoyGenea here, international neurodiversity coach working with dyslexic and ADHD thinkers. The gift of imperfection. Today that is my different thinker motivational moment. When you are so focused on perfection you often lose your vulnerability. You lose your connection to others. You lose your

Different Thinkers, Meetings, and Ideas

Sometimes figuring out the right timing for communicating ideas in meetings can be tricky for different thinkers, but there are strategies to help! Transcription: Hi, I’m JoyGenea, international neurodiversity coach for dyslexics and adults with ADHD. Different thinkers, meetings, and ideas. So, I’m guilty of this all the time, and I’ll own it, but I

Dyslexia and Visual Issues

Did you know that there is a relationship between dyslexia and visual issues? Transcription: Hi I’m JoyGenea, International Neurodiversity coach. So, dyslexia and visual issues, did you know that was a thing? It is a thing. Um, up to 25% of dyslexics can also have visual issues. That means issues with your eyes and stuff

Different Thinker Motivational Moment

You can choose your mindset! Transcription: Hey, JoyGenea here with different thinker motivational moment. Did you know- or I’m just going to remind you- you get to choose your mindset. You get to choose what you focus on. So here’s a little reminder, what if I remind myself that I get to choose my mindset?

ADHD in Girls and Women

Let’s keep spreading the word about how ADHD shows up in girls and women!   Transcription: Hi JoyGenea here, Dyslexia and ADHD coach for adults. I want to talk about ADHD and women and girls, so people that might look like me, and what they’re finding is, obviously they started out studying men and boys