Inspirational Quote From Yasmin Mogahed

“Resilience is very different than being numb. Resilience means you experience, you feel, you fail, you hurt. You fall. But, you keep going.” Yasmin Mogahed

Inspirational Quote From Lyn Pollard

“My 9-year old daughter’s dyslexia makes her feel both confident and self-conscious. She likes have a ‘different’ brain that loves color and creativity.” Lyn Pollard

Using Cool Cards as Visual Reminders of Information

A useful and cool tool for high visual processors are flashcards or reminder cards. Some books have them to support what they are teaching in the book. Think and Grow Rich was the deck I used in this video. Transcription: Hey JoyGenea here, international Neurodiversity Coach, always talking about dyslexia and ADHD. And today one

Inspirational Quote From Orlando Bloom

“When my mother told me that I was dyslexic it was both a gift and a bit of a cross to bear, but she tried to make me feel like it was something special and I was going to be great with it.” Orlando Bloom

How to Find Online Power Hour Communities, Programs, and Groups Part 3

Part 3- Where can I try this out at? Flown or Caveday or working with a productivity partner. CLICK HERE to learn more about power hours. Transcription: Hey, hi, I’m JoyGenea, International Neurodiversity Coach and this is Pele. She came to help me with this video. Ohh, not happy about that. So we are just wrapping

What Are The Parts of a Power Hour? Part 2

Part 2- What are the parts of a power hour? The steps that make them so powerful for the dyslexic or ADHD brain. CLICK HERE to learn more about power hours. Transcription: Hey JoyGenea here, International Neurodiversity Coach and we are working on a three-part series about power hours. Part 2 is right now. There

Have You Heard of a Power Hour? Part 1

Power Hours can increase productivity and reduce stress. CLICK HERE to learn more. Transcription: Hey, JoyGenea here with another interesting Neurodiversity moment. Have you heard of Power Hours? Well, we’re going to have a little three-part series just talking about that, because that can be a game changer for people. So a power hour- that’s

Dyslexia Doesn’t Mean You’re Unintelligent

I love this quote from Tim Tebow. It’s a good reminder. There are many brilliant dyslexics in the world. Transcription: Hi JoyGenea here, International Neurodiversity Coach. So I recently posted this great quote from Tim Tebow. “You could be extremely bright and still have dyslexia. You just have to understand how you learn and how

Inspirational Quote From Tim Tebow

“You can be extremely bright and still have dyslexia. You just have to understand how you learn and how you process information. When you know that, you can overcome a lot of the obstacles that come with dyslexia.” Tim Tebow

Dyslexic Fun

I love hearing about other dyslexic people’s favorite things to do. I love getting up to see the sunrise. What’s fun for your dyslexic brain? Transcription: Hey, good morning. I’m JoyGenea, Neurodiversity, Success Life Coach and I just wanted to- just kind of curious, what are some of the most favorite things that you do?