This is the story of a struggling business that could have thrived. As the business was struggling, the business owner had some fear, but not a lot. Why? Well, this struggling person has faith that everything will work out.
Ideas – How to build on an idea
“Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes.” – Napoleon Hill Last week, the best gift I could have gotten right now…happened. My podcast co-host and friend came to our recording session with an idea, hours talking about all of the ideas we had come up with over the past couple of weeks. It
Business Is A Lot Like A Puzzle
Big Announcement – I am teaming up with the Women’s Business Center of Central Minnesota to coach business owners affected by COVID-19 “The test of courage comes when we are in the minority” Ralph W. Sackman Being a small business owner is not something most people do. It can feel a little lonely from time
Do You Know How to Level-Up?
This past week I have been talking with three very different business owners and they are all in the process of leveling up in their businesses. The best analogy I have for leveling up comes from playing video games and I was not a good video game player. I did have a lot of friends
Advancing: How Are You Moving? Fast, Slow, In Pain, Easy & Free
What happened to July? We are already weeks into August and I am still wondering what happened to last month. I can share with you a few things I have learned over the past month.
How do I respond to an RFP?
Hello fellow business owners, entrepreneurs, and friends. How are you doing? I have been thinking about the people in my life a lot this past month.
Can You See All of the Possibilities?
What Is Your Personal Definition of Success? Complete this statement? I will know I am successful when_____________________________
That Wasn’t In My Business Plan
I had this whole great newsletter planned for March. I was so excited I was going to tell you all about co-hosting a podcast, new websites and becoming a certified life coach in long detail. There, now I did tell you about it, in short detail.
The Difference Between Coaching and Consulting
Before we leave 2019 behind and launch into 2020 I want to share with you some more really exciting news. Solutions by JoyGenea is expanding (officially) into LIFE COACHING. I will be a certified ICF (International Coach Federation) Life Coach by 2020. I started taking my training this past August. Why I am getting certified
Just Say “NO” to Domain Name Letters In The Mail
Let’s talk about something I take for granted that everyone knows and I am sorry that I did that. This is a really important topic. Just because I have been around website building for a long time, doesn’t mean that everyone else has. I was reminded of this recently when I business friend handed me